(888) 857-9091 or (951) 275-5323 ContactUs@AST-Security.com


Keep your employees, assets and properties protected
AST brings industry leading knowledge and service to meet your Fire System needs, including system design through CAD, Fire Marshall interface, plan approval support, installation, testing and certification, as well as system servicing and regulated testing. Our expertise makes the process smoother for you.

Fire Alarm and Evacuation Products

AST uses the finest technology and applies its years of experience to meet your fire life safety needs.

Fire Control

AST is your fire expert, providing the best value in Fire Life Safety solutions that meet your code requirements and provide you the environment you want, with the services you need.

Fire Systems

AST takes you smoothly through the process of Design, Plan Production, Submittal and Approval, and Installation. Each step is made easier and better through our decades of experience.

Fire Equipment

AST uses the highest quality UL Listed devices and components in our systems, to assure compliance and client safety, whether a small monitoring system or a full Evacuation System.

Fire Communications

AST offers an exciting new way to have safe, secure communication and Save Money! With the UL Fire Cellular unit, you no longer need dedicated phones lines. The cellular unit does it all, in a secure and polling manner, and can often pay for itself over and over in phone line savings!

Fire Design and Monitoring

AST again provides full service on your fire needs. We design your system to code and obtain Fire Marshal approval. We also provide the required UL Certified and State-of-the-Art Central Station Monitoring to dispatch help when you need it.

Code Required Fire Services

To round out your protection, AST offers regular Fire Alarm Inspection Service, as required by Code NFPA72, so your system is tested and operational and you are in compliance with fire code requirements. We do it ALL for you!

Total Connect: Interactive Service Platform

“Total Connect” through AST offer you the best in remote services for your home or small business. The service keeps you connected even when you are away.

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5053 La Mart Dr. #206
Riverside, CA 92507


(888) 857-9091

